A note on being authentic
Things here feel in ‘transition’ at the moment. Have you ever had that feeling that you’re getting ‘tugged’ inside to make a change?
In the (almost) five years since we got married, and had our two boys, it’s been an ongoing transition… and I feel like the bigger transition has been INSIDE ME.
If you’re a mum, you might be like me – what you want to create for yourself and your family has shifted a little. YOU have shifted a little. Yes, you’re still that same girl at heart but maybe the 2.0 version!
How about you? What was it that you felt called to do or be pre-kiddos? And how has that shifted now? Who were you before and who are you now that you’re someone’s mum as well as YOU?
Image: Federico Ferrari
One thing is crystal clear for me – that’s who I want to help and my BIG WHY.
But how I want to work and create that has (and is) shifting.
So, I’m going against the grain. The ‘perfectionist’ in me wants to only present the finished product to you, once I’ve worked it all out, but I’ve decided to share the behind-the-scenes with you as I work through the process of change….
So, my ‘why’ (aka the thing, the purpose, the cause that inspires me to do the thing I want to do) is:
I want to help you to be seen as who you really are. Helping you to rediscover your true essence, who you want to be and what you want to be known for. To use my mindset expertise, energy healing and yogic inspiration to help you clear the ‘stuff’ holding you back. And then to help you be seen and shine – and inspire your children to do the same.
This is awkward. I can usually find the words I want but here I struggle to put it succinctly. So, how about this?
“My purpose is to empower you to be more you in a world telling you who you should be... and inspire the little eyes watching”.
What do you think to that? That’s what inspires me and I’m going to be in ‘creation’ mode as I evolve what I can do to help do that (and craft a clearer way of articulating it!).
I truly value your opinion so if you have something to say comment below and share your thoughts. When it comes to how you feel about you, what is it that you struggle with or have a negative feeling about?